How to Start Your Weight Loss Journey? Do This!

Weight Loss Journey

You’ve decided that you want to lose weight and are wondering where to start. We’ve got you covered!

It is hard to change habits. It can be hard to know where to begin with the overwhelming amount of online information.

Let’s look at 4 important factors to consider before you begin your weight loss journey to maximize your chances of achieving your goals, and maintaining them once they are achieved.

Find Out Why You Want to Lose Weight

The reasons we do something can be based on two factors.

  • Motivation that is intrinsic (internal). This comes from something personally rewarding, e.g. Feeling more confident
  • Motivation that is extrinsic or external: This comes from the desire to receive an external reward, e.g. Validation from others

Weight loss goals that are based on current beauty standards may not be achievable or make you feel unfulfilled. Standards change with the trends. Losing weight in order to be validated by others can also be a frustrating experience. Just because you have a certain appearance doesn’t mean that other people or groups will accept or like you.

Motivation should instead come from within. You may lose weight because you want to feel more confident and better about yourself, be a better parent, or improve your health. Your weight loss journey will be supported if you are motivated by internal factors (not or only). You will feel more accomplished if you set your own goals. Everyone has a different view on how to live life.

What Can You Do if Your Motivation Is Low?

It’s perfectly normal that you may not be motivated by intrinsic factors to keep on track. We all know that sometimes we feel resistance to doing something. If you find yourself in this situation, it is better to rely on discipline than motivation.

Motivation is based on emotions, and because our emotions are constantly changing, we cannot rely on them for long-term results. Motivation can be the catalyst for weight loss, but it is not always enough to maintain that progress. Even when motivation is lacking, self-discipline can help us achieve our goals.

Embrace a Positive Weight Loss Mindset

It’s fine if you have attempted to lose weight before, or even if you have lost and gained back. By focusing on the present, we can start fresh without being burdened by past failures or negative self-talk. We tend to underestimate the importance that mindset has on weight loss!

Weight loss is a process that takes time. You didn’t gain weight overnight, so you can’t expect to lose weight in a day.

It is better to try and make small, consistent changes over time than to make big, sudden changes, however tempting they may be.

According to research half of people who lose weight gain it back within two years. And 80% by the fifth year. This is an astonishing statistic. It is important to remember that you only need to lose weight one time and then work to maintain it.

Setting yourself up for success is possible when you understand that weight loss results from creating healthy habits that last. You will find that the habits you develop during your weight loss journey will also help you maintain the weight you lose.

Get Clarity on Your Current Diet and Lifestyle

Weight loss is a personal decision. However, being under or overweight can put you at risk of serious health conditions. Weight loss is a personal matter, but it’s also important to understand your healthy range as being overweight or underweight can lead to serious health problems. You should also know when weight loss is a concern.

In order to identify change opportunities, we must consider two major factors that influence weight loss:

  • The energy intake is the total amount of food and beverages consumed.
  • Energy expenditure (used through exercise and other activities).

In one study, participants under-reported food intake by 47% while over-reporting physical activity by 51%. This may have been unintentional or simply due to human errors. Uncertainty about one’s energy expenditure and intake can lead to poor results, which may cause a person to feel discouraged and give up on their goals.

How to Calculate Your Energy Intake and Expenditure Easily

  • Get clarity on your food intake by keeping a food and drink journal for 2 to 3 days. Take photos or write down what you eat to better understand the amount you consume and where you can improve.
    Pick two days in the week, and one at the weekend. Weekends are usually different, so it’s perfectly normal.
  • Get a clear picture of your current levels of activity: Use the app on your smartphone to keep track of how many steps you take each day, any workouts (duration and types), as well as any non-exercise activities such as gardening or housework.

Understanding your current lifestyle and diet will allow you to set realistic goals tailored to your needs. Each of us has a unique starting point for diet and exercise. You can create your own weight loss program by determining where you are and where you would like to be.

Here Are Some Examples to Illustrate What We Mean

  • Your portion sizes: Looking at your current portions in relation to recommended amounts can help you determine if you’re overeating or not. For example, if you realize that your cereal portion is double the recommended amount, you can work to reduce it and replace the excess with more filling food, such as Greek yogurt, in order to feel fuller longer and achieve your weight loss goal.
  • Your Daily Exercise: Knowing the number of steps you take each day will help you increase your walking. You may want to increase your daily walking if you are currently doing a 20-minute walk during the lunch hour.

Start With the ‘Low-Hanging Fruits’

Many people try to lose weight by changing their diet or lifestyle in a short time period, sometimes even overnight.

Most of us will find it overwhelming to try to achieve 5 gym sessions a week, 10k steps a day, eat healthy meals at home, drink 2 liters per day of water, stop drinking alcohol, and sleep for 8 hours – we’ll give up and feel like our goals are out of reach.

Even if you manage to accomplish this in a short time, it will be difficult to maintain this many goals!

Experts advise that you focus on what are called “low-hanging fruits” in order to jumpstart your weight loss journey. These are quick wins for you.

Examples of low-hanging fruits include:

  • Drink more water
  • Have breakfast
  • Vegetables are good for you.
  • More Walks
  • Reduce the sugar content of your drinks

As you achieve your goals, your motivation and confidence will grow. You will be motivated to continue and achieve your goals.

The way you set your goals can make all the difference in how successful you are at losing weight. Experts suggest setting SMART goals. The acronym stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevance
  • Time-Bound

Examples of goals that aren’t Smart are:

  • “To Be More Active”
  • “To Drink More Water”
  • “Eat more vegetables”.

This type of goal doesn’t tell you when or how these goals will be reached. It also makes it impossible to celebrate success.

Some examples of SMART objectives are:

  • “To exercise 45 minutes, 3 times per week”
  • “To have a glass of water at each meal”
  • “Additionally add vegetables to my meal”

SMART goals provide clarity and accountability. They allow you to recognize when a goal has been achieved and boost motivation.

Weight Loss Journey

Bottom Line!

This article provides some tips to help you kickstart your weight-loss journey. Are you ready for a reflection on your “why”, to keep a food diary, and to set some SMART goals? If you require additional support, our healthcare technicians are happy to help!

Contact Primebody Sculpting to Learn More and Know How We Can Help You

Here at Primebody Sculpting, we’ll work together to create a plan that will help you achieve your goals and improve the quality of your life. Start your journey towards a happier, healthier you by taking action today!

Book now at our weight loss clinics in Tampa Today!